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January 2024 Electrical Apparatus

Robots, Automation!

Electrical Apparatus is the monthly magazine and virtual community for electromechanical professionals who design, specify, use, sell, operate, maintain and repair electrical equipment.

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Electric Avenue

20 Battery replacements & warranties  

As the EV market is maturing, so too is the framework under which EVs and their batteries are maintained

By Maura Keller, EA Contributing Writer

Plant Life 
22 Operational metrics   

Figuring out where to start is sometimes half the battle

By Bill O’Leary, EA Contributing Writer  

Safety & Health

24 Paging Dr. Robot 

 Small robots, precisely guided, are increasingly playing a role in critical medical procedures

By Kristine Weller, EA Contributing Writer

Automation & Robotics 

25 The emerging role of robotic process automation   

The need to accelerate automation has increased demand for technologies to streamline manual work

By Maura Keller, EA Contributing Writer]

Power Transmission & Distribution

31 Where hazards lurk

Understanding the specification, use, and care of electrical and electronic equipment for Class I hazardous locations

By David Bredhold, EA Contributing Writer

Index of Articles    

 37 Our annual index of feature articles, 2019-2023  

By the Electrical Apparatus staff 

More Than Accounting  

43 A new federal burden 

Starting this month, new reporting requirements are being placed on the shoulders of U.S. business owners both large and small

By William H. Wiersema, CPA, EA Contributing Editor


45 All systems green   

Virgin Atlantic crosses the Atlantic by air using waste and fat as fuel

By Charlie Barks, EA Managing Editor

Pump It Up   

49 AI is coming for pumps   

Combined with data, artificial intelligence is helping pumps conform to tightening efficiency standards

By Kevin Jones, EA Senior Editor

The Editor's Comment -  Starting the year with a look at automation       

Let's Solve Your Problem -  Answers to questions about applying motors old and new

Business -  ‘Twas the season for charitable works

Associations The months ahead in meetings and conventions

Calendar  - Upcoming events on pumps, testing, and renewable energy  

Know your industry - An awesome assemblage of automation associations

Utilities  -  Electric utilities are upping their automation game 

Speaking of . . .  There’s plenty of hydrocarbon left in the tank  

​Names & faces  -   ‘ Personnel changes at HDR, Fidelitone, and Tata Steel 

​Deaths  -   ‘ Paying tribute to Robert Bozich and Randy Klontz 

EA reader profile  -  How Mario Lanaro sought, and achieved, success in his career 

Product showcase  - The newest in equipment for robotics and automation

Plant happenings  -  Baxter lays off 459, and Tyson flies the coop at four locations
Classified advertising  - Your monthly marketplace for equipment, businesses, and more

Cy’s Super Service  - The electrical service industry’s most prominent curmudgeon

EA puzzle  -  A crossword puzzle based on EA’s November and December issues 

Moe, Genny & friends - The surreal world of an anthropomorphized motor and generator

Direct & current  -  Regal Rexnord to sell motor and generator businesses to WEG

Advertising index  - Who’s who—and who’s where—in this issue of Electrical Apparatus



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