Hoto Instruments
Hoto Instruments
Hoto Instruments provides top quality measurement instruments at the lowest prices to meet the needs of engineers and quality control personnel across a broad range of industries.
Our knowledgeable sales/engineering staff is ready to help with stock instruments or custom applications.Send us a sample you wish to test and we’ll recommend a system to deliver consistent results.
Trade-in your old instrument, for a discount on a new one.
Hoto Instruments has met the rigorous standards of business operation for ISO 9001 Certification, to assure our customers of our commitment to quality procedures and continuous improvement.
In addition to ISO 9001, Hoto Instruments has achieved ISO/IEC 17025 Laboratory Accreditation. This is further quality assurance that all calibrations and repairs done in our laboratory are performed using properly calibrated equipment by proficient and experienced personnel.
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