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December 2022 Electrical Apparatus


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Electrical Apparatus is the monthly magazine and virtual community for electromechanical professionals who design, specify, use, sell, operate, maintain and repair electrical equipment.

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In the December 2022 EA!


10 Fake plastic claims 

A Greenpeace report says that recycled plastic is a failed concept

By Charlie Barks, EA Managing Editor 

Training & Education 
12 Learning the AI ropes  

How companies and institutions are teaching workers and machines to work collaboratively

By Charlie Barks, EA Managing Editor 

Plant Life
 14 Pack animals  

Pack Expo 2022 offered valuable insight into developments in both products and the world of plant operations

By Charlie Barks, EA Managing Editor 

Electric Avenue 

20 New models of EVs

 From Ford to Ferrari, you can find an electric version of your favorite brand

By Charlie Barks, EA Managing Editor 


25 Current affairs

 What’s new in electromechanical and automation control technology

By David Miller, EA Contributing Writer 

Motors & Generators 

29 A two-way street  

The motor designer and motor user must be on the same page for a motor application to be successful

With trilingual summary

By Richard L. Nailen, EA Engineering Editor 

More Than Accounting 

34 New lease on life

Get ready for the new accounting rules for leases that take effect at the end of this year 
By William H. Wiersema, CPA, EA Contributing Editor
Pump It Up  

38 What’s under the Christmas tree for pump users?  

New products and technologies from leading suppliers of pumps and other water-management technologies

By Kevin Jones, EA Senior Editor

Comment - Solutions and systems replace things and items  

Let's Solve Your Problem -  Answers to questions about motor condition and performance 

Business - New Lafert and Motion Industries facilities  

Associations- Coming up in 2023: a new season of conferences  

Plant happenings  - Good news for slider fans, and a new kitty litter plant 

Know your industry  - ASQ: Bringing people together to pursue quality

Calendar  -  Upcoming events on manufacturing, HVAC/R, and energy 

EA reader profile - Jane Fraser and the courage to get the word out    

Product showcase  -   What’s new from Toshiba, Siemens, ABB, and Klein Tools 

Speaking of  - ‘The Ukraine war’s effects on industrial infrastructure

Names & faces - Personnel changes at Sulzer, Schneider Electric, and EIS

Utilities  -   ‘ Electric utilities explore new technology 

Classified advertising  - Your monthly marketplace for equipment, businesses, and more

Cy’s Super Service  - The electrical service industry’s most prominent curmudgeon

EA puzzle  -  A word search puzzle with an international motto 

Moe, Genny & friends - The surreal world of an anthropomorphized motor and generator

Direct & current  -  IMTS and Hannover Messe USA go their separate ways

Advertising index  - Who’s who—and who’s where—in this issue of Electrical Apparatus



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