Latest in IEC appointments is an Alabama Power Distinguished Professor
Mark Halpin, Alabama Power Distinguished Professor in electrical engineering, has been elected chair of the major SC 77A Scope Standardization group, responsible for the development of the field of "electromagnetic compatibility with regard to low frequency phenomena" for the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC),

In this position, he will be singularly notable as a US citizen guiding a major group for one of the world’s largest electrical standards development groups. The IEC identifies best practices and provides standardization guidelines, rules and definitions used in designing and manufacturing electrical and electronic devices and systems.
“I’m honored to have an opportunity to make a difference on this international commission,” said Halpin, an IEEE Fellow whose research focus includes power quality and electromagnetic compatibility within the electric utility industry. “The most gratifying aspect of this position is that I can bring what I’ve learned back home to the state of Alabama and help from economic development point of view. Think about the multi-national companies we’ve had move in, particularly in the steel and automobile industries.”