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HVAC company teams up with Sera ahead of warmer weather

Spring is upon us, and those trendy handyman apps are wasting no time trying to dominate the technician space. With warmer weather approaching, Bluon and Sera Systems, Inc., two software companies in HVAC, announced their plan to join forces Thursday "to modernize and bring a new level of productivity to the HVAC industry from OEM to distributor to contractor to technician and all the way to the consumer."

A group of Bluon technicians.—Bluon photo

HVAC is a well-established $150 billion industry, yet Gallup estimates that on average HVAC businesses are operating at a staggering low 38% efficiency. Together, Bluon and Sera, for the first time, can materially impact these inefficiencies through the combined power of their next-generation platforms, which are both focused on creating far more efficient and effective technicians in the field.

Bluon, based in Irvine, California and home to a large HVAC community, supports HVAC contractors and their technicians in the field while connecting them with their local brick-and-mortar distributors. With Bluon, techs may have a single source that is brand-agnostic for community interaction, equipment documentation, live 24/7 tech support and for acquiring parts and materials from their local distributors. Bluon "provides the first data and transactional throughline from OEM to distributor to contractor to technician, providing material value to each," the company said in an e-mail to Electrical Apparatus.

Since it is centered around a mobile app, Bluon claims "the largest HVAC community on earth." Today's tally for this community included about 160,000 technicians, according to Bluon's website ticker.

Sera, a fast-growing field service management software in the industry, partners with contractors to improve their bottom line by optimizing key business levers: time management, tech efficiency, cash flow and membership management. Sera’s unique platform and consultative approach enables small, medium and large contractors alike to see impact on their business in as little as "just a few months," the company said. "As a result, Sera's customers are guaranteed to improve their margins by 50% or more within six months," it also claimed.

“From the very beginning, Sera was developed to bring efficiencies to all areas of a contractor’s business. With Bluon, we are realizing efficiencies we never thought possible,” said Billy Stevens, CEO and founder of Sera.

“This integration is laying the foundation for a future where contractors, small and large, won’t be charged a penny to have access to a suite of services and best-in-class software tools. The idea of making these services and tools readily available to the small one-to-five-man shops — which make up 65% of the industry — is truly exciting.” said Bluon CEO and founder Peter Capuciati.

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