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Energy Kitt

Advanced Energy's Butler wins award

Advanced Energy has announced that Kitt Butler, business development director, recently won an American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE) Champion of Energy Efficiency in Industry award in the industrial leadership category. He joins a select group of efficiency leaders — including the company's own Mike Stowe in 2021 — acknowledged by the organization.

According to ACEEE, Kitt was awarded “for significant contributions to energy efficiency and energy management initiatives, including playing a crucial role in the motors and drives sector, which accounts for a substantial portion of global electricity consumption.”

After starting out in sales and account management, he went on to manage AE's motors and drives team for about two decades, helping Advanced Energy become a recognized and respected motor efficiency testing facility. During Butler's tenure at the helm of that team, AE's motor lab tested thousands of motors and drives, earned international accreditation and became a trusted resource for the federal government, national laboratories, trade associations, distributors, electric utilities and manufacturers of all kinds. These groups "continue to look to Advanced Energy as new appliance standards are written, compliance with current standards is sought and testing protocols are considered," the company said in a press release.

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