Distributed Energy Conference coming up soon
In just under 4 weeks, the Distributed Energy Conference will take place at Experience POWER Week, August 14-17, in Savannah, GA. The DEC brings together utility-scale electricity providers with other power generators, including commercial and industrial facilities, educational institutions, cooperatives, and private enterprise, to dive into real-life applications, project planning, and the business and financial aspects of distributed generation.
Hot Topics Being Covered at the Distributed Energy Conference:
Microgrid Development and Design--A New Paradigm for Power Generation - Case Studies Microgrids have gone mainstream, now well-established as part of the present and future of power generation. A mix of technologies can be deployed to provide electricity to business complexes, neighborhoods, critical infrastructure, remote areas, and more. Join us for a look at the design and development of some model microgrids and a discussion of their importance in the power generation landscape. In this time slot, we will feature four microgrid case studies. Speakers:
Joe Sullivan, Director of Sales, PXiSE
Hassan Obeid, Global Technical Advisor - Systems and Controls, Cummins Power Generation
Anderson Barkow, Co-Founder/CFO, BoxPower, Inc.
DeLaine Bacon, VP - Business Strategy & Analysis, Block Energy
Virtual Power Plants--Variety is the Spice of this Energy Solution Virtual power plants typically consist of a collection of distributed energy resources tied to the grid and connected by advanced technology to function as a single, intelligent unit. They can use a variety of resources in different combinations, from rooftop solar to wind, biomass, hydropower, and battery energy storage. VPPs use sophisticated aggregation software to efficiently process large amounts of data from decentralized power units, and make calculated decisions to benefit the overall system. A VPP emulates the function of a traditional power plant, supplying capacity when needed.
Moderator: Shawn Borden, CEM, Utility Program Development Manager, Caterpillar Electric Power
Jon Fortune, VP of Grid Services Market Development, Swell Energy
William Burke (Invited),CEO, Virtual Peaker